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Failure to have their vital needs, such as self-disclosure, adverse impact on the individual himself. For example, age and having difficulty communicating with people more than others are prone to alcoholism and drug addiction, which, in turn, lead to often irreversible pathology of personality, but today on this issue we look at the other side.
If you are not satisfied with your life today, it is empty and boring, everything goes wrong, as it should, starting from late February doldrums, prostration, apathy, poor sleep, irritability, rise up through the force, not interested in anything and did not want to do and the worst - sometimes thoughts of suicide, you may have spring depression.
What is it and how to get rid of it?
First, I suggest you take a small study, which will help to distinguish depression from a bad mood.
Check yourself with the test, in which for each of the 20 allegations should be given one of four possible responses:
Never or rarely - 1 point
sometimes - 2 points,
often - 3 points,
almost always or always - 4 points
1. I feel depressed.
2. In the morning I feel better.
3.U me there are periods of crying or close to tears.
4. I have a bad night's sleep.
5. Appetite for me no worse than usual.
6. It is a pleasure to look at attractive girls (guys), talk to them, stay close.
7. I notice that I lose weight.
8. I'm concerned about constipation.
9. My heart beats faster than usual.
10. I get tired for no reason.
11. My mind is as clear as ever.
12. I can easily do what I can do.
13. Anxiety and can not sit still.
14. I have hope for the future.
15. I am more irritable than usual.
16. I can easily make decisions.
17. I feel that is useful and necessary.
18. I live quite a full life.
19. I feel that other people will be better if I die.
20. I'm still glad that always pleased.
If you scored less than 50 points, then you do not have depression.
If you scored over 50 points and less than 59, then you have a mild form of depression.
When the exponent of 60 to 69 points are diagnosed with masked depression, and if you score over 70 points - depression is a real you.
Experts call such a state of asthenic depression or lack of vitality. Hardly be called at least one man who was once in your life knurl depression (depressed) mood. Modern doctors call it the spring depression or, as in recent years it has become fashionable to say, - "seasonal affective disorders. Medics at this time often had to answer questions related to depression. And we will try to answer some of them.
Why depression is exacerbated in the spring?
Not only in the spring and autumn. Why is this happening is still unknown. As, however, unclear and cause disease. Moreover, there is no consensus on whether a depression disease or only feature of the psyche.
Is it true that depression is more common in women?
Depression occurs in both men and women. But the weaker sex disease affects nearly twice as often. And this, incidentally, is another mystery, which, however, can be explained by a rather banal reason: men for using a professional turning often. That's how their minds.
Determines whether the lifestyle the illness?
Sure. Known, for example, that women working at the same time work, school, family, less prone to depression. Failures on one front, offsetting gains in others. But the wife of so-called new Russian are at risk. Many of them have recklessly forget their own interests in favor of caring for her husband. Gradually, their world is narrowed down to the size of a luxury apartment, and my dear husband is the only light in the window. Because the slightest conflict and turmoil starts to stagger the ground under their feet. And do not rely on that.
They say that depression is getting younger. Is this true?
Depression in young is less common, but it can pose a real threat to the health of those it encountered. Peaks of depression in young people accounted for 16 and 19 years. And its manifestations depend on sex. Teens-boys are likely to become involved in antisocial behaviors, such as drug use. Adolescent girls, rather, they are driving their problems inside. And of great importance in the development of depression has a temper. The more active and mobile people are less prone to this spring disease. Having read the article to the end, understand why.
Can depression hiding under the guise of disease, seemingly unrelated to mental disturbances?
Indeed, depression is often masked by a variety of ailments. The man complains, for example, pain in the heart or stomach. These complaints, he comes to the therapist, it is assigned a survey and ... nothing. But it hurts! And it hurts because a person depressed and she herself takes. And to get rid of this pain, we should not treat the heart or stomach, and depression.
How to prevent depression?
See more entertainment programs. Walk in guests, theater, cinema. Do not miss any opportunity to move on, do sports. Get up early to extend the daylight hours. Turn on the light in the room. Avoid low-calorie diets, eat more vegetables and fruits, less fat. Eat more food containing iodine, - color and sea kale, sea fish. Limit yourself in a strong tea and coffee. Simple Plan in advance your day, week, and in any case not allow yourself to relax. In the morning it is difficult to get out of bed and be in school, an institution to work? Force yourself to do it, and in 5-10 minutes you will be cheerful. Too lazy to go to visit friends? A must go, otherwise, what will you do at home? Watch TV? In my opinion, communication is more important. Fall in love! Love and be loved!
Protect yourself from the spring syndrome can only yourself. Be Healthy!