One couple came to the reception to the doctor dietitian. Each of the spouses had about 9 kilograms of excess weight, and they thought that to lose weight together, supporting each other, will be much easier and more fun. They offered the same program of physical activity and nutrition. A month later it turned out that the man lost 3.15 pounds, while the woman recovered at 0.45 kilograms.
Then the doctor asked whether there were any differences in lifestyle and diet, and received a negative response. They ate the same food at the same time and together attend a gym. It has been another month, and the man has lost 2.7 pounds, and a woman - only 0.47 kilograms (the weight, which she won last month). Not surprisingly, she was very upset and was ready to abandon their attempts to lose weight and again to her chocolate.
This case is the best confirms how different processes of metabolism in men and women, how differently constructed and operated male and female fat cells. We had a woman change a program lose weight and go on another diet, and two months later, she would "catch up" with her husband and 6 months after they both reached the weight dreamed about.
Now everything in order.
Body men are born with the ability to burn fat faster than the female organism.
Is an undeniable fact that women differ from men not only the structure of internal organs. Women's fat cells are larger, more active men, so women lose weight much slower than men, and gaining rapidly.
However, before we'll look at why women's fat cell so stubbornly resisted our attempts to control their weight, one must first understand that this is a fat cell and how it works.
In the human body has about 30 billion fat cells, which are capable under certain conditions, to stock up 67.5 pounds of fat. The sole purpose of fat cells - to store calories when the body does not need them, and burn them when necessary. Fat cells are not working alone, she needs help. These assistants are enzymes involved in the transport of fat into the cell and from it. Enzymes, which help the body to store fat, called lipogenous, and those that help burn fat - fat splitting.
Men and women may have the same number of fat cells, but any similarity between them ends. The main difference between male and female fat cells is a different mechanism of functioning of enzymes and the amount of fat cells. As you may have guessed, woman's body has more lipogenous enzymes that contribute to the accumulation of fat and larger fat cells. Men, by contrast, less fat-splitting enzymes that burn fat, and smaller fat cells.
Simply put, the female body is designed so as to store fat more quickly and efficiently. Man's body, by contrast, provides fast and efficient burning of fat. As a result, women lose fat very slowly, and the men slowly accumulate it. Estrogen - Female sex hormone activates lipogenous enzymes. This is the accumulation of fat woman's body during puberty, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives. Mother Nature knew what she was doing, providing the female organism such a mechanism. It is necessary to preserve the reproductive function and normal gestation. Can not be a woman, do not have a certain reserve stock of fat in the body.
Estrogen not only stimulates lipogenous enzymes, causing them to accumulate fat, but also indicates where. This is the second significant difference between men and women. Estrogen sends fat, mostly in the buttocks and thighs. The average woman has 44-th size of the upper body and 48-th - the bottom. That's why women are often called "pears". If a man is gaining excess weight, the fat is usually concentrated in the waist because of the impact of male sex hormone, testosterone. Such men are called "apples".
If you are the type of figure of the "pear", the first thing you'll gain weight in the hips and buttocks. Fat cells are undersized man bigger and have more lipogenous enzymes, so sitting on a diet or are actively engaged in sports, tall people lose weight faster. Of course, following a specific program, and a short man successfully lose weight, but fat cells will be more perseverance and it will require great effort.
If you are "apple", your fat cells contain a lot of fat-splitting enzymes and have small sizes, allowing more rapid weight loss. Of course, estrogen activates your fat cells, making them more "stubborn" than men, but compared to the "pear" your body will respond much faster to changing diet and physical activity.
With age, the difference between a "pear" and "apple" becomes even more pronounced.
Let's look at the functioning of female fat cells in real life situations. You had a bad day, you are severely hungry and ate a whole pizza for lunch. Need your body's calorie intake has been fully secured by three of the eight slices of pizza, and the remaining five pieces - it is excess calories, which get into your bloodstream intact. Since the fat cells in your thighs and buttocks are most active, the five "extra" slices of pizza are transported through lipogenous enzymes precisely in those parts of the body. Now, even if you break the chocolate ice cream for dessert, the fat cells of your buttocks and thighs were bigger.
But the presence of estrogen in the female body is not the only reason that we can easily recruit overweight. It is also the fact that for most women, diet becomes an obsession. I do not know a woman who at least once in my life have started a diet, but most expose themselves to this test once a year.
A low-calorie diet - is, oddly enough, the best friend of women's fat cells. If women knew what actually happens to their body when they take on a diet, they would never be able to. Once your fat cells "realize" that the caloric intake in the body decreased, they throw the battle cry and call lipogenous enzymes to take office. Unfortunately, the fat-splitting enzymes do not appear on the list of invitees. Diet increases the size of your fat cells, forcing them to actively accumulate fat and slow to burn it. And the fact that you are happy about, getting on the scales - it's not the fact that vyhudeete from fat - you're likely to lose water and muscle, and get rid of fat alone without competent medical specialist is not so easy.
Men fat cells respond to reduced calorie otherwise. When a man sits on the traditional low-calorie diet, it will increase its fat-splitting enzymes and successfully lose weight. Woman, if you lose weight, and sitting on a diet, it then quickly returns to the original weight and even gained more than before - this is the mechanism we have already mentioned in our previous articles.
It should be said that men have another advantage: the muscles. This does not mean that male and female cell function in different ways. The fact that men have more muscle mass muscle mass of women at 40%. Muscles have mitochondria that burn calories by converting them into heat and water. Thus, the greater the muscle mass you have, the more calories is sent to the muscle cell and is burned there, and the less fat is deposited in the body.
So, we can assert that the male body has a mechanism that helps him, restricting caloric intake and increasing physical activity, successfully lose excess weight. In contrast, women are designed to successfully gain weight, because have more lipogenous enzymes and less muscle mass. Therefore, women's fat cells are much more "stubborn" male. They focus mainly on the thighs and buttocks, actively storing fat and hardly giving him, and with full combat readiness to expect the following diets.
When we share this information with our patients, many of them feel themselves doomed to fail from the outset. One of them, as he exclaimed: "And for the Creator so disliked woman?" But whether you like it or not, how does your body, its nature does not change. You should recognize the objective facts and work with the "material", which is available. Unfortunately, most women trying to lose weight, do not take into account the peculiarities of the organism and have resorted to low-calorie diets. Before we rush into such extremes, please consult with a dietician, and you will understand that when you sit on a diet, your fat cells come into battle with you. And win. We in turn want to tell you that fat cells can win, you only need to do it competently.
Be healthy and happy!