If we are talking about cholesterol, so we suspect atherosclerosis and metabolic disease. According to WHO, our country occupies first place in the stable mortality from cardiovascular disease. It is perhaps regrettable, but it is. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - is a sickness of the age, disease today.
If in the early 20 th century the high mortality rate was determined by the presence of infection and a high level of injuries, but now people are dying from lifestyle, part of which is poor diet. Of course, we began to live better, richer and moved on cars, heavy physical labor has become scarce due to the development of mechanisms, machines and computer technology. Children playing less and less can be found on the street - mostly children playing computer games at home. And the products we have available any.
The abundance of fast-foods with reasonably priced, saves us time that we spend to prepare tasty, healthy, regular home meals.
Unfortunately, every second causes of death are cardiovascular disease, and, therefore, the presence in most cases, invisible to the naked eye cholesterol or atherosclerotic plaque. That is, death - is the price paid for our "tasty" life. And why in our country? Historically, that because of various wars, the cold climate, the hungry years, the organism is already protected at the genetic level. To protect themselves, he is ready to take more energy to make and store fat for future use. But no one could imagine that this accumulation of energy (in store) leads to such severe complications - atherosclerosis.
What is it - cholesterol?
How good it is and what it bad? Cholesterol - another name for the cholesterol - natural fatty alcohol, not soluble in water, but soluble in fats and other organic solvents. Most - this is approximately 80% of cholesterol - is produced in the liver by the body itself, while a smaller portion - about 20% - comes from food from outside. What is useful for cholesterol? Cholesterol - is primarily a construction material for the construction of all the cells of our body. He is involved in the construction of cellular membranes, ensures the stability of these membranes in a wide range of temperatures involved in the synthesis of hormones, including the main hormone for building muscle - testosterone. It depends on him, in what condition our muscles and whether they could build. If the cholesterol level is low, then testosterone levels too low. Cholesterol is a necessary part of most hormones women and men. Cholesterol is involved in the formation of bile, and, therefore, is involved in the process of digestion and digestion, and excretion of toxic substances. Problems with the lack of cholesterol does not happen, because it is synthesized in the body and comes with food, but with an excess of cholesterol in the blood of many problems.
Cholesterol is synthesized in the liver and transported in the blood by means of special transport elements, which are called lipoproteins. Are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or high density (HDL). LDL cholesterol is transported from the liver of the vascular bed and contribute to the sedimentation of cholesterol on vascular walls. Other lipoproteins (HDL) helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body. It is on this basis cholesterol is divided into "bad" and "good". Norm content cholesterol should not exceed 1.3 grams / liter. HDL should be: for men - higher than 0.45 g / l in women - higher than 0.55 g / liter. Total blood cholesterol (LDL + HDL) should not exceed 2 grams per 1 liter of blood. Value of LDL to HDL cholesterol should not exceed 5 / 4. High cholesterol is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. To reduce blood cholesterol levels, especially by reducing the level of LDL, sufficient to adjust the power regime.
Harvesting of the diet products containing a large number of animal fats, namely:
- Fatty meat (pork, sausage, smoked pork);
- Fat bird (duck, goose);
- Fat dairy products - all cheeses, especially processed, with more than 30% fat, cream, butter, ice cream, cream for butter;
- By-products (skin and internal organs) - kidneys, liver, chicken mozgi.yaytsa limit to 3 to 4 per week. And it is better to use only boiled (boil 10 minutes). You can eat quail eggs without harm.
Put in the diet of foods that reduce cholesterol in the blood. This food, rich in fiber and pectin. This fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.
Especially a lot of fiber in apples, oranges, carrots, broccoli, cabbage. Need to enter daily in a diet of cereals, whole grains (brown rice, oats, buckwheat, buckwheat) instead of white bread to use up to 100 g per day of black grain bread or wholemeal. Every type of foods that contain pectin, for example, eat a fruit - an apple or an orange.
It is obligatory to enter into the diet of unrefined vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, rapeseed, sunflower. Daily amount of vegetation on canvas 30 г.
The main thing - never subjected to heat treatment oil. On the table every day must be present fresh herbs - parsley, dill, cilantro, celery, spinach. This multivitamin greens has not only a choleretic effect, but a good stiff brush to enhance peristalsis and excretion of degradation products of cholesterol from the gastrointestinal tract.
Forming healthy habits and healthy lifestyle are key in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and improve blood cholesterol levels. Limit yourself to get drunk, throw smoke, do not drink much coffee, try to move a lot, walk outdoors, avoid stress, eat food supplements containing adequate amounts of vitamins A, E, C, and a large number of trace elements and mineral salts. Instead of fatty meat, type of diet fat fish: trout, salmon, salmon, mackerel. Enter into the diet of germinated grain, look for environmentally friendly flaxseed, add it to all the dishes, because it has better absorbing properties and the best way is involved in lowering blood cholesterol levels by LDL.
Which category of people are at risk and who first read this article:
- All those over 40 years;
- All those who are genetically predisposed to disease, caused by an increase of cholesterol in the blood (heart attacks, strokes, coronary heart disease, angina, etc.);
- Anyone with high blood pressure;
- All those who have excess weight;
- Anyone who has the disease of the liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract;
- All those who have relatives with diabetes mellitus;
- All those who have thyroid disease and other endocrine pathology;
To start?
With mandatory, indispensable and mandatory visits to the doctor on the study of blood lipid metabolism, ultrasound and electrocardiograms. In medicine there is every opportunity to identify predisposition to disease and all opportunities to prevent the disease.