Thursday, March 25, 2010

Red grape wine is even beneficial to human health if used correctly and in a measure - recommended one glass at dinner. Experts believe that red wine brings maximum benefit when his drink with meals.

Hippocrates used the wine as an antiseptic, diuretic and sedative, and as a solvent for drugs.

In red grape wine were found many items that are most important for human life and health - all essential amino acids and chemical compounds needed for metabolism, growth, development and protection of cells. In red wine in large quantities were found: magnesium - an important element for the normal functioning of the heart, a lot of iron deficiency anemia; chromium, which helps the synthesis of fatty acids in the body, zinc is responsible for acid balance and regeneration of tissues, rubidium, is able to excrete radioactive elements.

A glass of red wine contains 150 g: Protein - 0.11 g, fat - 0 g, water - 127.7 g, alcohol - 15,9 g, glucose, fructose - 0,3 g in sweet and almost absent in the dry varieties.

Macroelements: Potassium - 190 mg, Sodium - 6 mg, Calcium - 12 mg, magnesium - 18 mg

Trace elements: Iron - 0.69 mg Selenium - 0.3 mcg, Copper - 0,017 mg, zinc - 0.21 mg.

Health benefits of wine are caused by the contents therein biologically active compounds - flavonoids, kertsetina and rezervatola, as well as polyphenols and tannins. Polyphenols not only stops the destructive processes, but also to deduce the free radicals from human cells, rejuvenating all organs and tissues.

Use red wine for medicinal purposes

To maintain cardiac activity, dilates blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces cholesterol. Red wine contains substances that promote the removal of blood cholesterol, and with regular use of it literally washed the blood vessels.

When indigestion useful red wine with plenty of tannins, eliminates toxins.

Red table wines recommended for anemia - up to 2 glasses per day, during meals.

In beriberi, enriches the trace elements, vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9), amino acids.

Influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia treated with mulled wine - hot red wine with sugar

Depleted and weak patients given a few spoonfuls of wine a day. Wine helps to restore vitality in their decline.

Red wine helps blood, it is taken by 100-250 ml per day, improves the immune system and tone the body.

Increases appetite and normalize the metabolism, bile, gastric juice and maintain normal stomach acidity.

Red wine also: enhances the secretion of endocrine glands, improves sleep, and help slow the aging of cells;

prevents cancer, prevents the development of caries and the deposition of tartar;

serves as an excellent anti-stress remedy.

Canadian scientists have discovered a new useful feature of red wine - polyphenols, are part of wine, have beneficial effects in diseases of the gums.

Measure consumption is very important and well known: two or three glasses of wine a day for men and a maximum of six for women. A healthy heart better than a glass of red wine at dinner. Bust of wine is more dangerous than a shortage - all the healing qualities of excessive turning into harmful.

Important: if you watch your health, you should know that the healing properties has only completely natural, high-quality wine. In the curative properties of wine fraud has been found. More useful substances in red wines, especially those whose basis - fully ripe grapes with thick skins. This French Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir Chilean wine. In content, not so long ago open "means Makropoulos" Resveratrol leading Pinot Noir from Burgundy, red wines of Bordeaux and Italian wines from the Valpolicella.