Nowadays, the popularity of green tea has grown so much that he won the hearts of even those who preferred black tea or coffee. Green tea gives us not only to enjoy its taste and aroma, but is a valuable medicine. Drink itself came to us from China. Tea in China, were cultured from the II century BC. Tea has become a real art and not casually - green tea affects all organs and physiological systems of the body, acts gently and harmlessly, improves stamina and immunity, helps fight obesity, kidney diseases, prostatitis, respiratory diseases and cardiovascular system.
It relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, activates the heart, improves sleep and strengthens the nervous system, relieves depression and increases sexual energy. Now everything in order.
Little about the kinds of tea
Known the following main types of tea: white (or yellow), red, green, black, floral, bricks (pressed into tiles tea mixture) and oolong (black dragon "), there is a special variety of tea called" Gunpowder ", with leaves , twisted into tight balls. Each variety is useful in its own way.
White or yellow tea. His harvest of nearly proklyunuvshihsya kidney, when the leaves - Tips - still fluffy. Tips To not oxidized, they sink a ferry and quickly dried. Qualitatively tea is not twisted tea leaves. In general, the preparation of the complex, so expensive tea. They say: "white tea for people with blue blood." White tea should brew correctly, using hot soft water at a temperature of about 50 ° C. Infuse three or four minutes.
Red tea. His dry on the sun and stand in the shade. This produces "nedofermentirovannye" leaves - rims they oxidize and turn brown, and veins and heart remain green. Method of welding - like a white tea. The taste is piquant, sharp, color - from amber to red. From the same series of turquoise and yellow teas.
Green tea. "Big Brother" white tea is prepared the same way, but not from kidney, and from mature leaves. Not fermented.
Black tea. According to historical sources, he appeared as follows: collected in bales of tea is not removed from the plantation. It damp. Decided not to throw good, tried to brew - so there appeared a black tea.
Lapsany tea. "Bai Hua" - white flower, the name soon bloomed buds tea, one of the components of tea, giving it a flavor and taste. This brand name is loose tea, consisting of individual tea leaves. Originally, this term was used to contrast placer brick tea, which was very common and not so expensive. Since loose tea is usually better quality of brick, the term "Lapsany" was used not only for the classification of tea, but also for the characteristics of its quality. Currently, the term is practically lost its meaning.
How useful green tea?
All kinds of tea - as green and black - is prepared from the same plant Camellia sinensis. The difference lies only in the technology of collecting and processing the leaves. Green tea, unlike black, not fermented, so the active substances are stored in it in an unmodified form.
The various medicinal properties of tea due to the wealth of the chemical composition of the plant. If at the end of the XIX century, scholars have identified in tea only 4-5 basic substances, the figure has risen to 300, with many chemical compounds found in tea, has not yet been deciphered.
Moreover, the chemical composition of tea is impermanent. Tea leaves can be compared with the chemical laboratory in which all the time undergoing complex chemical changes, transformations of some substances into others. These changes occur not only in the growth of tea, but also the processing of the leaves. In green tea, which, in contrast to the black, red and yellow teas (about them it is yet to come), is not subject to fermentation, still more useful and extractives (soluble) substances (40-50%). In addition, tea has an exceptional ability to provide a solution only the most useful for a man of substance, as useless and harmful to leave undissolved. As a result of infusion of high-quality green tea, prepared according to the rules, is a unique concentration of valuable flavoring, dietary and medicinal substances.
Tonic effect of tea is associated with the presence of caffeine in it (teine). In one cup of strong tea infusion contains about as much caffeine as a tablet against headache. Despite the fact that the caffeine in tea than in coffee, he acts much softer, as acts not alone but in combination with other substances - tannins. As a result, Thein has a more indirect, soft effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous system. In addition, tea caffeine is not delayed and does not accumulate in the body, which excludes caffeine poisoning, even at very frequent use of tea. In addition to caffeine in the tea are alkaloids - theobromine and theophylline, which have vasodilator and diuretic effect.
As noted, the tea leaves (in the first place, just blown, delicate) contains tannin, a large number of which gives the drink a bitter taste. In some varieties of tea, incidentally, that the bitterness of a special reserve, but more often with the help of special technology somewhat lower tannin content. It tannin tonic effect on the body, stimulates mental and physical performance, helps fight fatigue.
Also listed in green tea contains more than three hundred different substances - carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements, vitamins, C1, B1, B2, BS, B5, E, F, in green tea are 10 times more than black, enhances immunity; to 20-25% tannins and essential oils that create flavor. But that's not all. The most important component is the so-called flavonoids and other organic compounds. Particularly active in its polyphenols - such as catechin. In the dried leaves of green tea polyphenols are by weight to 40%. It is believed that most of the useful properties of green tea is due to their presence. Even green tea contains calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, sodium, silicon, phosphorus and its compounds.
Due to such diverse chemical composition of green tea has a tonic and stimulating effect on virtually all body systems. It normalizes heart function, improves the state of vessel walls, improving the power cord, maintained normal blood clotting.
Most publications on the positive effect of tea on human health suggests that it may prevent heart disease, particularly diseases of coronary arteries, particularly in women.
Recently completed research by Dutch scientists have confirmed that daily consumption of one or two cups of tea reduces the risk of severe aortic atherosclerosis - narrowing of the arteries due to deposits of fat and other substances on the inner walls - 46%, and the consumption of four cups - of 69%. These conclusions are made in the Netherlands on the basis of survey 5454 people not suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It was published in the weekly "Archives of internal (interval) of Medicine in Chicago.
Most of the curative and preventive properties of green tea is associated primarily with the so-called P-vitamin activity of tea catechins, which possess the ability to reduce the intensity of the oxidation of lipids (fats), which translated into a public language means being able to fight quite enjoyable and very accessible way with being overweight . Especially nice detail: unsweetened tea contains no calories! And it helps to lose weight. After tea speeds up the metabolic processes occurring in the body. And if the cause of excess weight - decreased metabolism, you need to drink more green tea. Tests have shown that the useful substances contained in green tea speeds up metabolism and help burn an additional 70-80 calories. If you drink 5 cups of green tea a day and walk at least 15 minutes, then soon you can significantly reduce body weight.
Tones tea and muscular system of man. It has on it an indirect effect through cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. Tea has traditionally been considered a drink travelers, geologists, hunters, and people of other professions associated with the great physical and nervous tension. In a situation where we fight cellulite and excess weight, are on a diet, tea is the best activates the muscles work to burn energy, increases metabolism in subcutaneous fat, thereby helping us get rid of extra pounds.
However, green tea, there are downsides ...
For example, it has a lot of purines, which form in the body urea. The abundance of purines causes a disturbance of metabolic processes, urea poorly cleared from the body. From its salts are formed needle-shaped crystals, which then causes gout. Those suffering from chronic diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism feel better when stopped to drink tea or coffee. Irritants of black tea - caffeine, theobromine, theophylline - are equally and in green tea.
Therefore, strong tea may be unfavorable to the heart, excites the nervous system. Caffeine is tricky: the body quickly gets used to the stimulation and requires large doses of it. Abuse of strong tea, including green, facing insomnia, morning weakness, increased irritability, premature fatigue.
There are several cases where the use of green tea should be limited. Strong green tea is not recommended during exacerbation of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, as well as in gastritis with high acidity, as it can cause heartburn, increased pain in her stomach and even cause intestinal colic.
Strong green tea can not be carried away with the acute form of hypertension in all diseases accompanied by high fever, with worsening kidney disease in pregnancy when there is a tendency to toxicity, with psychasthenia with increased excitability, tachycardia, insomnia, and similar symptoms, as well as excessive sensitivity to caffeine.
We recommend their patients to drink more fluids, and today all already know that people throughout the day to drink at least 2 liters., And 1 liter should be pure water and 1 liter of various beverages. If you love green tea and will be throughout the day to drink a few cups of this precious drink - the body will only thank you. Be healthy and happy!