Saturday, March 13, 2010

In the last decade actively produced, promoted and used biologically active additives. They are called dietary supplements, nutrients, orthomolecular medicines, vitamin and mineral complexes, all of this - sinonimy.Segodnya in pharmacies employing a huge number of shelves is Badami.

How do I read in this ocean of information, when the pages of magazines and TV screens, we know people are advertising the next miracle supplement?

What you need is me, and what to look for to make sure that if I apply what any supplement, it will learn my body and really heal and rejuvenate me.

For a man to be healthy it needs nutrients, ie, food substances and products that satisfy all the vital needs of the organism - the energy, regulatory, protective, reparative, and others. Primary nutrients come from the environment in the food, but it is known that the modern food (growing conditions, preservatives, methods of transportation and storage) provides the body's need for nutrients only 20-40%. Secondary nutrients are formed in the body under the action of digestive enzymes and biosynthesis.

Nutrients are divided namakronutrienty (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, neuropeptides, macroelements calcium, zinc and others), micronutrients (vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, DNA, RNA, and other trace elements), nanonutrienty (chromium, selenium, vanadium, germanium, etc.).

The presence in the body of balanced nutrients vital, as they play a key role in biochemical reactions, without which life is impossible.

When a person adheres to a diet, it restricts itself to the flow of food quality (or only proteins (Atkins diet), or the exclusion of so-called "bad" carbohydrates (diet Montignac), etc.) and quantitatively.

At the same time, getting rid of excess fluid, we lose a significant amount of macro-and micronutrients.

It is quite natural that any diet - it is stress, and stress - is excessive consumption of various nutrients.

Given that all of this (weight loss, diet ...) takes place in Moscow in the XXI century, where we are forced to live at a furious pace, regardless of favorable environmental conditions (air, water, food) and in a state of chronic stress, our body is experiencing a lack of nutrients expressed that requires them extra.

CHROME - occupies a central place in the metabolism of carbohydrates (regulates carbohydrate metabolism and reduces the body's need for carbohydrates).

VANADIUM - increases the efficiency of digestion of carbohydrates.

ZINC - affects the hunger center, stimulates metabolism and immunity.

Selenium - a key antioxidant, is necessary for the assimilation of iodine (essential for hypothyroidism).

Carnitine - burns fat, especially against the background of a low-calorie diet.

Vitamin C - an antioxidant that has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties, enhances immunity, activates the detoxification function of the liver, accelerates the fall of body weight on the background of a low-calorie diet.

Magnesium - necessary for normal functioning of the heart, brain, kidneys and bones, regulates the acid-alkaline balance of the organism is involved in the synthesis of ATP, activates the vitamin group B.

Potassium - necessary for normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.

In addition to knowledge about why we need vitamins and macro-and micronutrients, you need to know in what form and under what conditions they will work in our body.

And this is a special, medical knowledge. And that the doctor may suggest one or other dietary supplements.

After all, only the doctor knows that chromium is useful only in the trivalent form, and magnesium only in the form of certain bioavailable form, and even in combination with the activator - vitamin B6, and that there is vitamin C, which is not tissue acidification, but rather has alkalify effect and normalizes acid-base balance of blood.

Depending on the goal we are setting ourselves (restoring the body after the winter, recovery, weight loss, rejuvenation, etc.), we need the various dietary supplements. And they will be able to choose the specialist.