Even healers of Ancient East believed that the disease penetrate and go through the skin. If the disease is able to penetrate into your body, help to cope with it will help massage.
Massage improves the functioning of the immune system. Massage has a variety of physiological effects on the body. Subjective sensations during and after the massage, the correct choice of massage techniques and methods of their use, dosage expressed in the appearance of a pleasant sensation of heat throughout the body, improving the well-being and overall improvement. Ability to do hands the human body
healthy and beautiful is called art of massage. Competently executed massage is a powerful means of treatment and recovery efficiency, removing fatigue and maintaining vitality, health promotion, disease prevention.
Residents of cities are very few engaged in physical labor. The nature of the work we often do not require or even not allowed to have any muscular effort. In combination with the lack of fresh air, clean food and sunlight it inevitably leads to an imbalance in the body. Constant anxiety and stress contribute to the accumulation in the body of harmful substances. Well, the simplest and most natural remedy for all these problems is the massage.
The impact of massage on the skin. Massaging the skin we are working on all of its layers of skin blood vessels and muscles, the sweat and sebaceous glands, and also affects the central nervous system, in which the skin is inextricably linked.
Massage has diverse physiological effects on the skin:
- It is cleared from the rejected horny scales of the epidermis, and along with them from extraneous particles (dust, etc.) caught in the pores of the skin, and bacteria commonly found on the surface of the skin;
- Improved secretory function of sweat and sebaceous glands and their excretory openings are cleared from a secret;
- Activated lymph and blood circulation of the skin, eliminates the influence of venous congestion, increases blood circulation and, hence, improving her diet, resulting in a pale, flabby, dry skin is pink, firm, velvety, significantly increases its resistance to mechanical and temperature ;
- Increased skin-muscle tone that makes the skin smooth, dense and supple;
- Improves local and general exchange, as well as the skin is involved in all metabolic processes in the body.
The impact of massage on the subcutaneous layer.
In adipose tissue massage works indirectly, through general effects on metabolism. By increasing the metabolic processes in the body, increasing the allocation of fat from fat depots, massage stimulates the "burning" of fat that are in excess amounts in the adipose tissue. It should be noted that massage slimming spend a long course (minimum 15 sessions) and combined with exercise.
The impact of massage on the muscles and joints.
Under the influence of massage increases the elasticity of muscle fibers, their contractile function, slows muscle atrophy, as well as decreases have evolved malnutrition. Massage improves muscle performance, while accelerating the restoration of working capacity after intensive physical exertion. Even under short massage (within 3-5 minutes) is better restored function fatigued muscles than during rest for 20-30 minutes.
Massage has a significant impact on the joints. Under the influence of massage improves blood supply to the joint and periarticular tissues, strengthens the ligamentous apparatus of the joint, accelerates resorption of articular effusion. According to experimental studies of efficiency weary muscles after a massage may increase by 5-7 times. After a strong physical stress enough ten-minute massage, not only to restore the original performance of muscles, but also to increase it. Such reaction to massage the muscle fibers and promotes special mock irritation of nerve fibers contained in the muscle bundle. Under the influence of massage in the muscles improves blood circulation and oxidation-reduction processes: increased speed of delivery of oxygen and removal of metabolic products. As a result, eliminated feeling stiffness, soreness and swelling of muscles. Improves the supply of the joint and surrounding tissue with blood, accelerates the formation and movement of synovial fluid, and as a result of ligaments become more flexible. Due to congestion and transferred microtraumas in the joints may experience stiffness, swelling, wrinkling articular bags, changing the composition of synovial fluid. With the help of massage, leading to improved nutrition of articular tissues, can not only get rid of these painful events, but also to warn them. In addition, time spent massage prevents damage to the cartilage, leading to the emergence of arthrosis. Under the influence of massage can increase the amplitude of movements in the hip, shoulder, elbow, intervertebral joints.
The impact of massage on the nervous system.
Nervous system first treats of the body, because the skin is a lot of nerve endings. By varying the strength, character and duration of massage can reduce or increase the excitability of nerve, strengthen and revive the lost reflexes, improve trophism tissues, as well as the activities of internal organs. Massage affects the peripheral and central nervous system. When massaging the skin nervous system first reacts to mechanical stimulation. At the same time in the central nervous system sent a stream of pulses from the many nerve-end organs, which receive the pressure, temperature, and various tactile stimulation.
Deep massage influence on the peripheral nervous system, weakening or eliminating pain, improving the conductivity of the nerve, accelerating the regeneration process when it is damaged, preventing or reducing the sensitive vasomotor and trophic disorders. With gentle stroking slowly decreases the excitability of the massaged tissues, and it has a calming effect on the nervous system, with the strong and rapid stroking increased irritability massaged tissues. It is very important for the effects on the nervous system of the atmosphere of the massage, warm air, subdued light, nice quiet music helps strengthen the therapeutic effect of massage.
The positive influence of such a massage on the autonomic nervous system, which controls the processes occurring in internal organs, is not subordinate to conscious control and management.
The impact of massage on the circulatory and lymphatic system.
Massage increases the number of red and white blood cells, increases blood circulation. Massage is the expansion of functioning capillaries, the disclosure of reserve capillaries, thus providing for a more abundant irrigation with the blood not only massaged area, but a reflex and internal organs, resulting in enhanced gas exchange between blood and tissue (oxygen therapy). At rest in a square millimeter of cross section of the muscle is working 31 capillary, and after massage their number increases to 1400! Disclosure of reserve capillaries under the influence of massage helps to improve blood redistribution in the body, which facilitates the work of the heart.
A large influence on the circulation of lymph massage. Lymph flow is very slow - 4.5 mm per second, but the rate of flow is highly variable and depends on many factors. Under the influence of massage movements - stroking in a centripetal direction - dermal lymphatic vessels easily emptied and the flow of lymph is accelerated. In addition to direct effects on the local lymph circulation, massage has a reflex effect on the entire lymphatic system, improving tonic vasomotor function of lymphatic vessels.
The impact of massage on metabolism.
Massage has a variety of effects on metabolic processes. Under the influence of massage increases urination. In the blood increases the amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes. Massage does not cause the muscles to increase the number of lactic acid, and organic acids, the accumulation of which leads to the development of acidosis. This explains the beneficial effect on tired muscles. By increasing the metabolism massage helps to reduce body fat. Daily massage has a truly beneficial effect on the entire body. It increases the flow in the body of fresh oxygen and vital energy in the form of nutrients, making the whole body gets additional charge of vivacity and warmth. Simultaneously the body are derived from harmful substances.
Under the influence of massage in the body activated various biological stimulators - hormones, enzymes, vitamins, massage effect increases blood flow to the patient body, improves metabolism, cleanses the tissues and, ultimately, provides the desired therapeutic effect.
The research showed:
- In children and adolescents hospitalized for mental illness, is noticeably reduced excitability, and there were positive developments in the perception of reality, if it daily for a short time, slightly rubbing the back;
- Blockage of the arteries of rabbits receiving cholesterol-rich foods if they are regularly caressing, observed in 60% of cases less than in rabbits receiving the same diet but deprived of their caresses; rats, which during the first 3 weeks of life daily holding for 15 minutes, the degeneration of brain cells and memory impairment due to aging, were expressed to a much lesser extent than in rats, which did not take his hands;
- 40 preterm infants were divided into two equal groups. In one group of children every day gently shaking for 45 minutes, and the other - no. After 10 days the children in the first group weighed 47% more than in the second, although they both received the same amount of calories.