Thursday, March 25, 2010

Red grape wine is even beneficial to human health if used correctly and in a measure - recommended one glass at dinner. Experts believe that red wine brings maximum benefit when his drink with meals.

Hippocrates used the wine as an antiseptic, diuretic and sedative, and as a solvent for drugs.

In red grape wine were found many items that are most important for human life and health - all essential amino acids and chemical compounds needed for metabolism, growth, development and protection of cells. In red wine in large quantities were found: magnesium - an important element for the normal functioning of the heart, a lot of iron deficiency anemia; chromium, which helps the synthesis of fatty acids in the body, zinc is responsible for acid balance and regeneration of tissues, rubidium, is able to excrete radioactive elements.

A glass of red wine contains 150 g: Protein - 0.11 g, fat - 0 g, water - 127.7 g, alcohol - 15,9 g, glucose, fructose - 0,3 g in sweet and almost absent in the dry varieties.

Macroelements: Potassium - 190 mg, Sodium - 6 mg, Calcium - 12 mg, magnesium - 18 mg

Trace elements: Iron - 0.69 mg Selenium - 0.3 mcg, Copper - 0,017 mg, zinc - 0.21 mg.

Health benefits of wine are caused by the contents therein biologically active compounds - flavonoids, kertsetina and rezervatola, as well as polyphenols and tannins. Polyphenols not only stops the destructive processes, but also to deduce the free radicals from human cells, rejuvenating all organs and tissues.

Use red wine for medicinal purposes

To maintain cardiac activity, dilates blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces cholesterol. Red wine contains substances that promote the removal of blood cholesterol, and with regular use of it literally washed the blood vessels.

When indigestion useful red wine with plenty of tannins, eliminates toxins.

Red table wines recommended for anemia - up to 2 glasses per day, during meals.

In beriberi, enriches the trace elements, vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9), amino acids.

Influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia treated with mulled wine - hot red wine with sugar

Depleted and weak patients given a few spoonfuls of wine a day. Wine helps to restore vitality in their decline.

Red wine helps blood, it is taken by 100-250 ml per day, improves the immune system and tone the body.

Increases appetite and normalize the metabolism, bile, gastric juice and maintain normal stomach acidity.

Red wine also: enhances the secretion of endocrine glands, improves sleep, and help slow the aging of cells;

prevents cancer, prevents the development of caries and the deposition of tartar;

serves as an excellent anti-stress remedy.

Canadian scientists have discovered a new useful feature of red wine - polyphenols, are part of wine, have beneficial effects in diseases of the gums.

Measure consumption is very important and well known: two or three glasses of wine a day for men and a maximum of six for women. A healthy heart better than a glass of red wine at dinner. Bust of wine is more dangerous than a shortage - all the healing qualities of excessive turning into harmful.

Important: if you watch your health, you should know that the healing properties has only completely natural, high-quality wine. In the curative properties of wine fraud has been found. More useful substances in red wines, especially those whose basis - fully ripe grapes with thick skins. This French Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir Chilean wine. In content, not so long ago open "means Makropoulos" Resveratrol leading Pinot Noir from Burgundy, red wines of Bordeaux and Italian wines from the Valpolicella.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Eyelash need nutrition and care as much hair.
Take care of eyelashes to the evening before going to bed after removing makeup.

To improve the growth of eyelashes good any vitamin formulations - sea buckthorn, shipovnikovoe oil, castor oil with a few drops of Vitamin A or mixed with carrot juice.

One of the proven recipe for otraschivaniya eyelashes is a mixture of: castor oil, and rum made in equal parts.

Mixture of oils for the care of eyelashes: almond oil, grapeseed oil, castor oil, wheat germ oil, rose oil, linseed oil. At home you can prepare a mixture of both of these oils and oils of 2-3 to choose from. Oils are taken in equal proportions. If the rose essential oil, a few drops.
Almond oil stimulates the growth of eyelashes.
Rose oil slows down the aging process and soothes irritated skin age.
Castor oil promotes the growth of eyelashes, improving the structure and preventing spillage. Such a mixture moisturizes and nourishes the eyelashes and eyelid skin, promotes the growth of eyelashes and prevents its loss. Excellent ink washes.
Dosing mixtures: a small amount of oil washed for 5-10 minutes to cause the eyelashes and eyelids. Then rinse with water.

Friday, March 19, 2010

You've probably already seen this message when opening my blog: "This blog is currently under review due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations ..."
I do not know why google has defined my blog as spam and I hope that this problem will be solved soon!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Medical, classic, hygienic, prophylactic, sports, reflex, segmental-reflexive, self-massage, connective tissue, beauty, erotic. Massage is the most physiological for human wellness vehicle. It is used for preventive purposes: promoting good health, as well as in various medical fields: orthopedics, surgery, gynecology, neurology, internal medicine, etc. With the help of massage can relieve fatigue, to prepare for the great physical strain, so athletes need a massage, as well as the people of those professions, which are characterized by significant physical and mental stress. Massage is widely used in hygienic and cosmetic purposes.

Foot massage

On the feet there are many points connected with the various organs of our body (on foot located about 70 thousand nerve endings), so the massage is useful not only for legs but for the general well-being. Improves blood circulation, nutrition of the skin, is a sense of fatigue. Sadly, massage is contraindicated in the case of varicose veins, skin disorders and swelling of legs. Increase beneficial effects of massage can, rubbing the skin nourishing cream of this skin will become soft and smooth. Foot - is a highly-reflex zone associated with all internal organs. Foot massage can enhance immune function. The effect appears after the first massage session. The fact that the massage, very sensual thing, not an invention of cult directors, but true. Suffice pokoldovat on foot for five minutes, and your partner will come complete relaxation with a sudden sense of the meaning of life. In Ayurveda, Old medical treatise, states: "If couples massage before bedtime each other the feet, it will come not only health, but also the mutual attraction."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Nowadays, the popularity of green tea has grown so much that he won the hearts of even those who preferred black tea or coffee. Green tea gives us not only to enjoy its taste and aroma, but is a valuable medicine. Drink itself came to us from China. Tea in China, were cultured from the II century BC. Tea has become a real art and not casually - green tea affects all organs and physiological systems of the body, acts gently and harmlessly, improves stamina and immunity, helps fight obesity, kidney diseases, prostatitis, respiratory diseases and cardiovascular system. It relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, activates the heart, improves sleep and strengthens the nervous system, relieves depression and increases sexual energy. Now everything in order.

Little about the kinds of tea

Known the following main types of tea: white (or yellow), red, green, black, floral, bricks (pressed into tiles tea mixture) and oolong (black dragon "), there is a special variety of tea called" Gunpowder ", with leaves , twisted into tight balls. Each variety is useful in its own way.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

In the last decade actively produced, promoted and used biologically active additives. They are called dietary supplements, nutrients, orthomolecular medicines, vitamin and mineral complexes, all of this - sinonimy.Segodnya in pharmacies employing a huge number of shelves is Badami.

How do I read in this ocean of information, when the pages of magazines and TV screens, we know people are advertising the next miracle supplement?

What you need is me, and what to look for to make sure that if I apply what any supplement, it will learn my body and really heal and rejuvenate me.

For a man to be healthy it needs nutrients, ie, food substances and products that satisfy all the vital needs of the organism - the energy, regulatory, protective, reparative, and others. Primary nutrients come from the environment in the food, but it is known that the modern food (growing conditions, preservatives, methods of transportation and storage) provides the body's need for nutrients only 20-40%. Secondary nutrients are formed in the body under the action of digestive enzymes and biosynthesis.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Even healers of Ancient East believed that the disease penetrate and go through the skin. If the disease is able to penetrate into your body, help to cope with it will help massage. Massage improves the functioning of the immune system. Massage has a variety of physiological effects on the body. Subjective sensations during and after the massage, the correct choice of massage techniques and methods of their use, dosage expressed in the appearance of a pleasant sensation of heat throughout the body, improving the well-being and overall improvement. Ability to do hands the human body healthy and beautiful is called art of massage. Competently executed massage is a powerful means of treatment and recovery efficiency, removing fatigue and maintaining vitality, health promotion, disease prevention.

Residents of cities are very few engaged in physical labor. The nature of the work we often do not require or even not allowed to have any muscular effort. In combination with the lack of fresh air, clean food and sunlight it inevitably leads to an imbalance in the body. Constant anxiety and stress contribute to the accumulation in the body of harmful substances. Well, the simplest and most natural remedy for all these problems is the massage.

Many people think that makeup nail polish simple. But it is not. After all, there are rules that must be respected, otherwise the wrong application can spoil the appearance of the nail and the whole manicure in general.

How to apply varnish:
  1. Clean hands brush moisturizer (because this can be easily removed with lacquer asleep cuticle);
  2. Remove the paper towel remnants of cream;
  3. After themselves wipe nails nail polish remover or alcohol, because if you apply varnish on the greasy fingernails, he quickly oblezet;
  4. Apply foundation or simply colorless varnish. Best ad hoc basis under the lacquer, it contains vitamins and substances that protect your nails from the negative effects of varnish;
  5. Nail brush to try to take so that the swab has turned flat. Excess varnish to brush should not be. The first swab make the center and lead to the tip of the nail (why in the center - that has not got a drop of nail polish on the cuticle, the next - from the foundation on the side of the nail, as the make and on the other side.
  6. Wait for the complete drying of the first layer, only then apply the second.
  7. When the second coat dries, apply fast drying varnish clear movements, because it dries quickly.
  8. If the cuticle is the varnish, then remove his cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover or special pencil.
And now a few general rules:
  • varnish to lay flat on the nail, a brush, hold the thumb and forefinger, but resistance to lean on the table with the little finger;
  • varnish should be applied quickly, confidently, long pumping movements;
  • when covered see that the tip was not thick, otherwise the varnish quickly slezet;
  • If varnish hardened, then 3 hours before the coating liquid to dilute it Breeding varnish (2-3 drops);
  • See that varnish does not spread, otherwise the formation of tubercles on the nails;
  • necessarily good dry the layers of varnish, and it will appear the thick sections;
  • lacquer must dry naturally, or bubbles are formed, and he will lie unevenly;
  • not cover your nails with a thick layer, it quickly slezet;
  • the neck of the bottle at the end of cotton swab to wipe the nail polish remover to the cap tightly closed and varnish is not dry.
With these tips your nails are dyed perfectly!

The extract of marine algae may be the cure for cancer of the immune system known as lymphoma. This is indicated by preliminary results of research.

In this study, the researchers experimented with ingredients that were produced from algae, using them for treatment of lymphoma.

Previous studies have shown that an ingredient called Fucoidan, found in algae, kills tumor cells in mice and humans.

A new study found that an extract of algae kills cancer cells and leaves healthy.

Results of the study were presented March 11 at the conference of the American Association for Research in Cancer in Jordan.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Preferred food should be given to the following products: breast of chicken, veal, freshwater fish, eggs, cottage cheese, nonfat cheese. Rice, buckwheat, green fruits and vegetables. Caloric intake (its calorific value) should cover the energy consumption of the organism to all activities and vice versa. The diet should be varied. The total daily caloric intake of selected foods should consist of the necessary amounts of protein, fats and carbohydrates. In order to fully supply the body different proteins (and hence the corresponding amino acids) is necessary, that the required daily amount of protein was approximately half of animal origin (meat, poultry, fish), and half vegetable. However, the use of only plant foods (vegetarianism) does not provide the body with all essential amino acids. A set of products with the required calories should also include the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals in accordance with the daily need for these substances and their content in food. The basic amount of food daily ration (65%) should fall on a day meals: 2-nd breakfast and lunch.

If we are talking about cholesterol, so we suspect atherosclerosis and metabolic disease. According to WHO, our country occupies first place in the stable mortality from cardiovascular disease. It is perhaps regrettable, but it is. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - is a sickness of the age, disease today.

If in the early 20 th century the high mortality rate was determined by the presence of infection and a high level of injuries, but now people are dying from lifestyle, part of which is poor diet. Of course, we began to live better, richer and moved on cars, heavy physical labor has become scarce due to the development of mechanisms, machines and computer technology. Children playing less and less can be found on the street - mostly children playing computer games at home. And the products we have available any.

The abundance of fast-foods with reasonably priced, saves us time that we spend to prepare tasty, healthy, regular home meals.

Unfortunately, every second causes of death are cardiovascular disease, and, therefore, the presence in most cases, invisible to the naked eye cholesterol or atherosclerotic plaque. That is, death - is the price paid for our "tasty" life. And why in our country? Historically, that because of various wars, the cold climate, the hungry years, the organism is already protected at the genetic level. To protect themselves, he is ready to take more energy to make and store fat for future use. But no one could imagine that this accumulation of energy (in store) leads to such severe complications - atherosclerosis.

One couple came to the reception to the doctor dietitian. Each of the spouses had about 9 kilograms of excess weight, and they thought that to lose weight together, supporting each other, will be much easier and more fun. They offered the same program of physical activity and nutrition. A month later it turned out that the man lost 3.15 pounds, while the woman recovered at 0.45 kilograms.

Then the doctor asked whether there were any differences in lifestyle and diet, and received a negative response. They ate the same food at the same time and together attend a gym. It has been another month, and the man has lost 2.7 pounds, and a woman - only 0.47 kilograms (the weight, which she won last month). Not surprisingly, she was very upset and was ready to abandon their attempts to lose weight and again to her chocolate.

This case is the best confirms how different processes of metabolism in men and women, how differently constructed and operated male and female fat cells. We had a woman change a program lose weight and go on another diet, and two months later, she would "catch up" with her husband and 6 months after they both reached the weight dreamed about.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Failure to have their vital needs, such as self-disclosure, adverse impact on the individual himself. For example, age and having difficulty communicating with people more than others are prone to alcoholism and drug addiction, which, in turn, lead to often irreversible pathology of personality, but today on this issue we look at the other side.

If you are not satisfied with your life today, it is empty and boring, everything goes wrong, as it should, starting from late February doldrums, prostration, apathy, poor sleep, irritability, rise up through the force, not interested in anything and did not want to do and the worst - sometimes thoughts of suicide, you may have spring depression.

What is it and how to get rid of it?

First, I suggest you take a small study, which will help to distinguish depression from a bad mood.

Check yourself with the test, in which for each of the 20 allegations should be given one of four possible responses:

Never or rarely - 1 point
sometimes - 2 points,
often - 3 points,
almost always or always - 4 points

1. I feel depressed.
2. In the morning I feel better.
3.U me there are periods of crying or close to tears.
4. I have a bad night's sleep.
5. Appetite for me no worse than usual.
6. It is a pleasure to look at attractive girls (guys), talk to them, stay close.
7. I notice that I lose weight.
8. I'm concerned about constipation.
9. My heart beats faster than usual.
10. I get tired for no reason.
11. My mind is as clear as ever.
12. I can easily do what I can do.
13. Anxiety and can not sit still.
14. I have hope for the future.
15. I am more irritable than usual.
16. I can easily make decisions.
17. I feel that is useful and necessary.
18. I live quite a full life.
19. I feel that other people will be better if I die.
20. I'm still glad that always pleased.

If you scored less than 50 points, then you do not have depression.

If you scored over 50 points and less than 59, then you have a mild form of depression.

When the exponent of 60 to 69 points are diagnosed with masked depression, and if you score over 70 points - depression is a real you.

Experts call such a state of asthenic depression or lack of vitality. Hardly be called at least one man who was once in your life knurl depression (depressed) mood. Modern doctors call it the spring depression or, as in recent years it has become fashionable to say, - "seasonal affective disorders. Medics at this time often had to answer questions related to depression. And we will try to answer some of them.

Why depression is exacerbated in the spring?

Not only in the spring and autumn. Why is this happening is still unknown. As, however, unclear and cause disease. Moreover, there is no consensus on whether a depression disease or only feature of the psyche.

Is it true that depression is more common in women?

Depression occurs in both men and women. But the weaker sex disease affects nearly twice as often. And this, incidentally, is another mystery, which, however, can be explained by a rather banal reason: men for using a professional turning often. That's how their minds.

Determines whether the lifestyle the illness?
Sure. Known, for example, that women working at the same time work, school, family, less prone to depression. Failures on one front, offsetting gains in others. But the wife of so-called new Russian are at risk. Many of them have recklessly forget their own interests in favor of caring for her husband. Gradually, their world is narrowed down to the size of a luxury apartment, and my dear husband is the only light in the window. Because the slightest conflict and turmoil starts to stagger the ground under their feet. And do not rely on that.

They say that depression is getting younger. Is this true?

Depression in young is less common, but it can pose a real threat to the health of those it encountered. Peaks of depression in young people accounted for 16 and 19 years. And its manifestations depend on sex. Teens-boys are likely to become involved in antisocial behaviors, such as drug use. Adolescent girls, rather, they are driving their problems inside. And of great importance in the development of depression has a temper. The more active and mobile people are less prone to this spring disease. Having read the article to the end, understand why.

Can depression hiding under the guise of disease, seemingly unrelated to mental disturbances?

Indeed, depression is often masked by a variety of ailments. The man complains, for example, pain in the heart or stomach. These complaints, he comes to the therapist, it is assigned a survey and ... nothing. But it hurts! And it hurts because a person depressed and she herself takes. And to get rid of this pain, we should not treat the heart or stomach, and depression.

How to prevent depression?

See more entertainment programs. Walk in guests, theater, cinema. Do not miss any opportunity to move on, do sports. Get up early to extend the daylight hours. Turn on the light in the room. Avoid low-calorie diets, eat more vegetables and fruits, less fat. Eat more food containing iodine, - color and sea kale, sea fish. Limit yourself in a strong tea and coffee. Simple Plan in advance your day, week, and in any case not allow yourself to relax. In the morning it is difficult to get out of bed and be in school, an institution to work? Force yourself to do it, and in 5-10 minutes you will be cheerful. Too lazy to go to visit friends? A must go, otherwise, what will you do at home? Watch TV? In my opinion, communication is more important. Fall in love! Love and be loved!

Protect yourself from the spring syndrome can only yourself. Be Healthy!

Everyone knows that for normal healthy functioning of the body requires a balanced diet, vitamins and trace elements. We also know a lot of diets, which are chosen strictly individual. But somehow one and the same diet helps one, but absolutely useless, and sometimes even harmful to another person. Let us try to understand this.
Any food which comes to us in the body must be properly digested. Protein products - a source of amino acids. Among them are synthesized hormones, enzymes, antibodies, hemoglobin, and hundreds of thousands of other proteins necessary for the life of the organism.

Carbohydrates - the source for energy and for the synthesis of glycoproteins. Fats are needed for the body to maintain the integrity of cell membranes, they facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), minerals are a source of essential fatty acids and lipoproteins. Vitamins and trace elements the body needs as air. Without them, there is no single biochemical reaction.

If the digestive process is correct - it means a person is healthy, he has a stable mood, high mental and physical performance, full sleep, harmonious shape and good skin.

Which organs are involved in digestion, in addition to gastro-intestinal tract?

This is primarily the liver and gall bladder. Liver - largest organ in the body - it weighs about 1.5 kg., It has about 300 billion cells. The liver is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids (fats), amino acids and proteins, affects the process of blood clotting, synthesis of biologically active substances is part of the immune system.

In liver cells synthesized a number of enzymes and bile acids, which intrahepatic bile duct enter the gallbladder.

Gall bladder "includes" in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is due to the release of bile people feel the appetite. Bile consists of 80% of the water: the remaining 20% - is bile acids, phospholipids, protein, cholesterol, protein, cholesterol, bilirubin, enzymes. In the day is formed from 600 to 1000 ml. bile. "Correct" bile - an important component of full digestion. From its composition depend on metabolic processes.

The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, containing a number of enzymes needed for digestion. The daily amount of secretion of the pancreas ranged from 0,7 to 2,5 liters. The effect of this secretion is essential, it neutralizes the gastric juice in the small intestine, breaks down proteins, fats, starch and glycogen, RNA and DNA.

Thus, in the process of digestion involved the entire gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Only the normal and harmonious functioning of the combination of all these bodies ensures the full assimilation of food. Violation of at least one part of this complex process leads to most problems.

There are many ways to identify the very first, functional disorders in the chain. This is primarily a detailed conversation with your doctor, then if necessary a detailed biochemical analysis of blood and a method for biochemical assessment of metabolic activity of cellular flora.

Diet, appointed to you personally, taking into account your individual characteristics, yield maximum results. Your diet will be helpful for you, subject to troubleshoot problems with digestion.

In order to decide whether you want to know what foods are good to you, what percentage of your diet should be fat, proteins and carbohydrates, answer a few questions.

Do you have extra weight?
You are often in a state of irritation?
Sometimes you have a bitter taste in your mouth?
Sometimes you have a burp on an empty stomach?
Are you concerned about bloating (flatulence)?
There you have constipation or diarrhea?
You periodically worries nausea?
Have you, for no particular reason, skin rash (dermatitis, urticaria, acne)?
Whether there You drowsiness and lethargy during the day?
Are you worried about insomnia?
You do not like the condition of your skin, hair and nails?

If at least one of these questions you answered yes, you need to think about the state of your digestion and correction of your diet, there will be no need to sit on different diets, and instead of getting the desired result only disappointment. Do not tighten and aggravate disorder better time to restore the impaired function than later to spend on treatment for years. Be healthy and happy!

My name is Mia, and this is my first post in my blog dedicated to healthy lifestyles. I hope my articles will be interesting for you. I will try to talk about the most interesting and useful field of health and beauty: how to keep yourself in great shape, what excercises are best for different people what to do and what could be better not to do to be healthy and beautiful!

Let's go!..
